Monday, 22 January 2018


Vertigo -

1. Paschimottasan
2. Halasan
3. Sirasasan
4. Yoga Nidra

Breathing exercises -
1. Anulom/Vilom
2. Kapalbhati

helps flow of blood to head

Soak 6 gms of Amla + 6 gms Dhania in 250 ml water in the evening.  Add 2 spoons sugar candy powder and drink in the morning


Diabetes -
1. Maredu + Vepa (neem) + Tulasi

2. Aloewera

3. Turmeric + Neem + Amla

Blacken hair

Blacken hair -
Soak dry usirika (Amla) powder overnight .  Make paste with water.  Apply.
Wait for 1/2 hr. and take bath.

Joint pains

Joint Pains -
Sonti     50 gms
Aswagandha   50 gms
Black sesame   50 gms
(fry and powder)
Candy sugar   50 gms
Mix.  Add ghee to become paste.
1 spoon   1-1-1 before meals
Works for Nerves, Brain, lubricates joints